
Barbecued lamb with feta and broad bean paste

  • Serves 4
  • Prep Time 15 mins
  • Cooking Time 30mins
Barbecued lamb with feta and broad bean paste


  • Serves 4

Fetta vinaigrette

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  1. Combine the oregano, 2 garlic cloves, 50ml of olive oil and a good sprinkling of salt and pepper, then rub the herby mixture into the lamb.
  2. Bring a pot of salted water to the boil. Cook the broad beans for 3 minutes, drain then cool a little under running water and slip the bright green beans from the skin.
  3. Replace the pot and cook the peas in boiling water for 1 minute, then drain and rinse in running water until they are just warm.
  4. Chop the beans and peas roughly, then add half the mixture to a mortar and pestle with the garlic, mint and a little salt. Pound to a rough paste, gradually adding the remainder of the beans, peas and olive oil.
  5. To make the vinaigrette, whisk the vinegar, olive oil, garlic and mustard in a little saucepan. Season. Warm gently over medium-low heat. When ready to serve, stir through the crumbled fetta.
  6. Cook the cutlets on a hot barbecue or griddle pan for a few minutes each side until golden brown. Top with the broad bean paste and spoon over the warmed fetta vinaigrette. Scatter with the optional olives and then serve.


  1. Choose the smallest lamb racks available because the meat is always sweeter and juicier. This ensures the dish is even yummier.
  2. With small racks, cut double cutlets (with two bones) or ask your butcher to do it for you to ensure the meat stays moist and pink when cooked.